
An ActionCable companion for Y.js clients


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "y-rb_actioncable"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install y-rb_actioncable


yrb-actioncable provides a module that can be used to extend the capabilities of a regular channel with a real-time sync mechanism. yrb-actioncable implements the same protocol as y-websocket.

It will make sure that a newly connected client will be provided with the current state and also syncs changes from the client to the server.

    Client->>Server: Subscribe to channel
    Server->>Client: Successfully subscribed to channel

    Server->>Client: Send server-side document state-vector
    Client->>Server: Respond with update based on server-side state-vector

    Client->>Server: Send client-side document state-vector
    Server->>Client: Respond with update based on client-side state-vector

    Client->>Server: Send incremental updates from client
    Server->>Client: Send incremental updates from server (broadcast)

In order to use the above described protocol, someone can simply include the Sync module. There are three methods we need to use:

  1. Initiate the connection with initial sync steps: initiate
  2. Integrate any incoming changes: integrate
  3. Broadcast incoming updates to all clients: sync_to
# app/channels/sync_channel.rb
class SyncChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
  include Y::Actioncable::Sync

  def subscribed
    # initiate sync & subscribe to updates, with optional persistence mechanism

  def receive(message)
    # broadcast update to all connected clients on all servers
    sync_to("document-1", message)

⚠️ Attention: This integration and API eventually change before the final release. The goal for yrb-actioncable is simplicity and ease-of-use, and the current implementation requires at least some knowledge about internals.


We can also implement a persistence mechanism with yrb-actioncable via hooks. This is a quite common use case, and therefore it is relatively simple to add.

Load document

In order to instantiate the document with some state, yrb-actioncable expects the load method to be called with a block that returns a full state update for the document. Internally it just calls Y::Doc#sync(update).

class SyncChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
  include Y::Actioncable::Sync

  def initialize(connection, identifier, params = nil)
    load { |id| load_doc(id) }

Persist document

It is usually desirable to persist updates as soon as they arrive. The method persist expects a block that can process a document full state update for the given ID.

class SyncChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
  include Y::Actioncable::Sync

  def subscribed
    stream_for(session, coder: ActiveSupport::JSON) do |_message|
      persist { |id, update| save_doc(id, update) }

Example implementation for load_doc and save_doc

We eventually provide storage providers that are easy to use, e.g. yrb-redis, but you can also implement your own store methods.

def load_doc(id)
    data = REDIS.get(id)
    data = data.unpack("C*") unless data.nil?

def save_doc(id, update)
  REDIS.set(id, update.pack("C*"))


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.